Here are some of the things I wanted to share with Daily 5. The first isn't a new idea, but I love it! Here is my Boggle board.

If you are looking for "my" Boggle sheet, a big thank you to (and go visit)
I also got the letters for my Boggle board from somewhere but can't find the link! Hopefully I can find it soon.
Below is my Daily 5 bulletin board.

There are a couple neat features on my bulletin board. Under Work on Words, I have some binder rings with different activities students can do with their spelling words (I am not a big fan of bought spelling units, especially American ones with the wrong spellings, but the teacher I replaced does them and I wanted some things to stay consistent for my kiddos). During Work on Words, students can work on spelling, do Boggle, or do one of the flip book activities.
The second part of my Daily Five board is Work on Writing. Underneath our I-chart is a repurposed pencil holder. It holds popsicle sticks with writing topics that my students have come up with on them. If anyone is stuck, they can grab a topic. I want to add another pencil holder for blank popsicle sticks so they can add to our collection. Under our Read to Self header I have some book review pages so students can recommend books to each other.
Right now we are basically doing the "Daily 4", since we don't really do Listen to Reading except for when we Read with Someone. I went to a workshop a little while ago where the presenter talked about doing Listen to Reading as a whole class using audio books. May have to try it out one of these days.
The other big feature of my Daily 5 is my clip-chart. Students move their clothespin onto the Daily 5 section they're doing. Gives me a quick way to record or see what kids are doing without having to stop and ask all the time.
Thanks for sharing your sight with me. I have seen this Boggle idea a lot lately. How great. I'm thinking of making it a file folder game for my students to use during Word Work. I don't have the bulletin board space to leave it up. Plus I think it will become a gathering spot for my middle schoolers, which then won't serve it's purpose.
ReplyDeleteWhy not follow my blog.. and I will do the same. Then we can keep sharing our ideas?